Connected by their common love for modern, urban and sophisticated architecture, in 1999 the four fellow students – Ljupco Tasevski, Stojan Pavleski, Ivan Simeonov and Gjorgi Radovanovic – founded STONE DESIGN, the Macedonian architectural design studio specializing in architecture, urban development and interior design projects.

Challenged by the idea for pushing boundaries and bringing fresh air to the Macedonian architectural design, they started a thrilling architectural journey by approaching each project as a distinct subject. Committed and passionate for unique, but functional designs, their company briefly became recognizable for its efficiency and distinctive style.

Thoughtfully filtering the ideas that come to light in their studio, STONE DESIGN’s team have implemented a refined aesthetic to numerous projects, from public buildings, infrastructure, offices, residential, products, urban master plans to special category projects.

Throughout more than 20 years of international project experience, the studio has continually expanded its capabilities through prolonged collaboration with an extended network of consultants, partners, and advisors across the Europe. STONE DESIGN has been involved in more than 400 projects in the area (300 of  them are executed works) as a leader of the engineering team or as part of greater international teams.